Thursday, October 8, 2009

Pity on My Nature !

I was happened to watch TV News Report that was broadcast from My Home-Land, India. In one of the report, it was stated that some of the Forest Elephants have visited Agricultural Lands and Destroys all the crops and plantations. This is what the report says. As for as my Nature is considered, Only Humans, Us have occupied the Land for Animals. This is the actual truth. We as Humans increase population, Pollution, and Destroy Forest Lands for building Houses and Tech-Parks. So, at last we won't let the animals live in the Forest and the Animals come in search of food for lands that we have acquired my Nature. Well this is not the end. We have to pay our life for what we have done to acquire Nature Land by means of Natural Calamities.

The Time is not so far. Its has already began to swallow human life by Cyclones, Earthquake, Tsunami, etc. So, Its our turn to save nature that saves us. Have a Good Day..

Monday, May 25, 2009

Power for Power !

The above logo depicts my idea of generating power from Man Power. Man power doesn't mean the dedicated work but with the power we use to Physical exercise for health. Machine based exercises such as Tread Mill, Orbitrek, Cycling, etc are suitable to gain such powers. With adequate changes in those machines, one can generate power for their utilities. But the power generated from such machines is not the same as power we derive from the conventional power units. But hope this would help us charge our Gadgets and use other house hold utilities.

Basically i have planned this project considering the Number of rotations that i can generate from human power for dynamo rotation at a time and various frictions offered in this domain. When we need to generate more power, dynamo rating has to be increased but human ability to pull the machine would decrease and put strain on work. Also less ratings could provide less friction on work or exercise, But considerably generates only low power. In the meantime, i try to gather some practical work on Dynamos.

Using my idea in individual homes, could save power to a large scale. Dual functions - Physical exercise with Power Generation going to be a new product in every individual home. Hope my dream could come true.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Nature is my God !

I believe, trust and have faith in Nature that she will save our lives from this Economic and Environmental recession. I never believed in God but i believe Nature is my God. Environmental Recession is nothing but the Climatic changes that's affecting the our life. I did not look for Economic recession because Environment is the basic thing from which Economic and Political things were derived. To be short and detailed, Nature has resources and only from those resources, Economic of a Country or an Individual can be determined. Without resources what would be the outcome of Economic status.

About this Blog, I wish to give our some ideas that could make a Green world. I like to innovate news things. Even i have filed two of my project for Indian patents. Actually i had to attend one of the Meeting conducted my Patent office. After visiting the meeting, i have a change of mind. The first thought i got in my mind is that, Patent is just a Money making job. I wish to give out my ideas for free from now.

In my View, ideas can be exhibited by everyone, but making money out of that is a great blunder. I welcome open comments to my blog and Help me project my Ideas through this Blog.