Thursday, October 8, 2009

Pity on My Nature !

I was happened to watch TV News Report that was broadcast from My Home-Land, India. In one of the report, it was stated that some of the Forest Elephants have visited Agricultural Lands and Destroys all the crops and plantations. This is what the report says. As for as my Nature is considered, Only Humans, Us have occupied the Land for Animals. This is the actual truth. We as Humans increase population, Pollution, and Destroy Forest Lands for building Houses and Tech-Parks. So, at last we won't let the animals live in the Forest and the Animals come in search of food for lands that we have acquired my Nature. Well this is not the end. We have to pay our life for what we have done to acquire Nature Land by means of Natural Calamities.

The Time is not so far. Its has already began to swallow human life by Cyclones, Earthquake, Tsunami, etc. So, Its our turn to save nature that saves us. Have a Good Day..